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A profound 7-day journey of self-inquiry in the Colombian jungle.
02-08 February 2025


A 7-day journey of radical self-inquiry in the Colombian jungle.
March 02 - 08, 2024

The most common regret of people at the point of death is:

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”. 

Join us on sacred Colombian territory, where visionary makers gather to enter a challenging and rewarding adventure of radical self-inquiry within a safe, transformative container.

Together, we’ll explore mortality as a catalyst for intentional and aligned action, reverse engineer a more authentic and courageous path, and celebrate life.

Our Guides

Jose Maria Bernal

"It takes courage to dive into the depths of ourselves"

Our lead facilitator, Jose Maria Bernal is Colombia’s most renowned transpersonal psychologist with over 35 years of experience guiding transformative psychedelic assisted therapies.

As a true adventurer and seeker, he transmuted his own personal experience and trauma into a life of service by accompanying thousands of individuals to heal and transform their lives. 

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He studied Philosophy with an emphasis in Comparative Religions and holds a postgraduate degree in Transpersonal Psychotherapy at the renowned Tibetan Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. He is a Master in rebirthing and breathwork therapy and a zen meditation practitioner.

During the retreat, Jose Maria will challenge us to go deep within ourselves, open our hearts and meet our internal ecosystem with compassion and truth. In a safe and potent container, he will guide us to re-imagine our futures by dissolving the subconscious blocks that prevent us from the life that we truly came to experience.

"When we have the courage to say yes to our inner soul voice then life helps us. Because life is in favour of us."

Watch the full interviewListen on Spotify

Catalina Salguero

A transpersonal and Gestalt therapist, Catalina has dedicated the last decade to co-create potent and safe containers for group psychotherapy under expanded states of consciousness.

She has facilitated hundreds of transformational retreats in Colombia with her partner Jose María Bernal.

Catalina Salguero

Our method

Together, we’ll enter the labyrinth of profound introspection in a peaceful and inspiring setting, uncovering our fears and limiting beliefs. Our method is based on radical self-inquiry, strengthened by:

Medicine-assisted therapy

We leverage medicine work, holotropic breathing, and embodiment practices in a supportive group setting. We draw on principles from Jungian, Transpersonal and Gestalt psychotherapy.

Sublime settings

Connect with awe-inspiring nature and wander sacred river trails. Rise in the morning with movement to the sounds of the jungle. Savor fresh and healthy meals prepared by local, Michelin-trained chefs.

Community integration

Access our signature online program to integrate your experience. You’ll be assisted and encouraged by a community of 15 peers, science-backed psychology and Stanford Life Design principles.

Join the journey – book an exploration call

You’re in good hands

Sabina De Duonni

Mental health lead

Sabina is a Self-leadership and well-being Coach working with individuals, teams and companies including many in big tech where she leads mental health programs.

Sabina has carried out hundreds of workshops grounded in psychology, neuroscience and human-centred design thinking. Combining these disciples she has facilitated workshops to improve well-being, for commercial partners solving new challenges and for teams building impactful products.

Sabina works creatively creatively and intuitively using experiential methods and evidence-based mind-body practices to enable people to live purposefully and authentically.

Julian Pistone

Keynote speaker | ex-Google

Advisor to the world’s largest brands with a decade experience at Google, where he led well-being initiatives across EMEA and LATAM.

Julian is a podcaster on purpose-driven leadership and speaker on courage at TEDx and LEAP22, the largest tech event in history. He's passionate about Buddhist philosophy and transpersonal psychology.

Daniel Benedini

Psychotherapist | Summit

Through his years as the Development Director for Summit, Daniel has been building experiences that unite the leaders of today and tomorrow through environments and activities designed to catalyze positive personal and professional growth.

Daniel has Brazilian-American roots, and is trained as a psychologist & psychoanalyst. He has a remarkably strong understanding of personal and group behavior acquired from one of Brazil’s top universities.


Korneel Desmet


Three time startup co-founder Korneel has been building ventures in events, video & marketing before burning out twice.

Committed to find the proper tools to combat overwhelm & anxiety and to support his mental health, Korneel felt left to his own devices. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he co-founded Re-Treated together with his brother Kasper.

Korneel is committed to help change makers find the very best of themselves - by building community, hosting transformative gatherings & curating the tools for personal & professional growth. Because he believes the world needs a new generation of leaders to step up, today more than ever before.

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Learn more about the journey

    Some questions, some answers

    Who’s it for?

    We hand select purpose-driven and diverse individuals who can inspire and learn from one another. You’ll be with a conscious group of curious humans whom you will walk the path of expansion and self-discovery with.

    You’ll meet seasoned leaders or innovators in their field. Whether you are an entrepreneur, creative, scientist, explorer, or artist.

    What’s truly important is that you’re open to self-inquiry, have the courage to show up vulnerably and allow yourself to connect beyond the superficial.

    What's this retreat about?

    A transformational journey surrounded by peers in paradise, followed by an online accountability program to ensure you can integrate your experience – cor:age will help you intentionally craft a more courageous, fulfilling and purposeful path forward.

    This is not your typical “time off” – and it might turn out to be the most rewarding time out you’ve taken yet. We’ll be stripping away our conditioning, unpacking our fears and getting in touch with our authentic self.

    We’ll support you along the way – with Colombia’s most renowned transpersonal psychotherapist, and fellow entrepreneurial humans mining for your true potential.

    Why Colombia?

    We’re going to the Sierra Nevada, which is often referred to as “the heart of the world” – a pristine jungle area bordering the Caribbean coastline, steeped with a jaw dropping history and preserved ancestral wisdom.

    The Sierra feels worlds away from most of our everyday lives. You’ll embark on a pilgrimage in service of your highest self. The serene location we’ve chosen for this retreat is the perfect place to do just that.

    The only risk is you might want to stay.

    Will I be reachable?

    This retreat is fully unplugged so you can go deep. We will be collecting all electronic devices on day two. In case of emergency, we have a phone number where your loved ones can reach us.

    Why are we going offline?

    We want you to be the sharpest version of yourself. Digital distractions are exactly that; distractions. Innovative ideas don’t sprout from business meetings and in between work e-mail. They find their origins in moments of rest. We want you to experience our Re-Treats without interruptions because it will help you live them to the fullest.

    Private retreats

    Tailor-made experiences for those in need of a private physical & mental reset, in both Europe and the Americas. Get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

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